Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mariko (Torajiro Kishi's Devil from Dark Horse Comics)

Say Hello to the ab-sole-lutely gorgeous Mariko.

Here's a quickie. I found this sole-icious artwork online that I know was made for us foot fans. It's the cover to the second issue of Devil, by manga artist Torajiro Kishi. The comic, which debuts in early 2010, is a sci-fi/manga take on vampirism, in which a Vampire 'virus' is unleashed on the world. The soleful beauty featured on issue 2's cover is the ravishing Mariko, who is apparently the titular 'Devil' and one hell of a hot vampire. If Mariko is barefoot and hot like in the cover for the whole comic, I think I'll be following this series like a brain-hungry zombie.

The comic will be released by Dark Horse Comics, so if you're interested chase it down at your favorite comic stores next year (issue 2, from which the above artwork is the cover, is due out March 2010. For now though, enjoy the artwork and imagine yourself worshipping, touching and kissing Mariko's pale and perfect soles and toes.


  1. I love this already, I know I'll definitely be picking this comic up in addition to the Ibuki mini-series.

  2. O_O Very hot picture. I seriously need to check this comic out.
